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Currency Rates

Convert or find out the rates of major currencies around the world.
Disclaimer: All rates on this site are published and used for information purposes only. National Bank of Kuwait accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss and/or damage arising from its use.


Currency Name Buy Rate Sell Rate 1 EGP Buys 1 USD Buys
Egyptian Pound 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0197700
US Dollar 50.5800000 50.6800000 50.5800000 1.0000000
Pound Sterling 62.9114000 63.4362000 62.9114000 0.8039870
Swiss Franc 55.3392000 55.9012000 55.3392000 0.9139990
Japanese Yen 0.3270000 0.3302000 0.3270000 154.6788990
Saudi Riyal 13.4006000 13.5316000 13.4006000 3.7744570
United Arab Emirates Dirham 13.6323000 13.8677000 13.6323000 3.7103050
Kuwaiti Dinar 154.7215000 164.5945000 154.7215000 0.3269090
Canadian Dollar 35.3558000 35.5499000 35.3558000 1.4305990
Australian Dollars 31.6428000 31.9183000 31.6428000 1.5984670
Euro 52.4818000 52.9049000 52.4818000 0.9637620
