NBK Tools

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Al Jawhara Calculator

The minimum deposit is KD 50 and maximum deposit is KD 500,000.

In case of no withdrawal within the holding period, extra chances will apply.

NBK Miles Points Calculator

Loan Calculator

Loan Refinancing Calculator

Term Deposit Calculator

Currency Convertor

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  • System Maintenance

    Dear Customers, A system maintenance will take place on Friday 14 February 2025 between 4 AM & 7 AM. You may experience some difficulties when using: - WAMD Service - NBK Quick Pay - NBK Mobile Banking - NBK Online Banking - Digital Wallet Registration - SMS - Some automated features provided by NBK Call Center If you face any difficulty using our electronic channels, please contact us via NBK Call Center or NBK WhatsApp on 1801801 or on our NBK Social Media channels. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Important Notice

    NBK will never ask you for your account number, card number, CVV, OTP/PIN numbers over the phone, Viber, WhatsApp or any other means. Please do not disclose your personal information to anyone. Learn more

Loan Insurance


If you are taking a new loan, enjoy the peace of mind that NBK's Loan Insurance gives you. You'll be carefree as you repay your loan balance, knowing that you and family have your needs insured.


The NBK's Loan Insurance Plan insures your loan so that in the event of death, the outstanding amount is settled by the insurance company. You are required to pay a very minimal monthly premium depending upon your loan amount. Put your mind at ease knowing that the NBK Loan Insurance Plan has you covered no matter what.

Who is it For?

All NBK Loanholders.

What should I know?

  • In case of death, your outstanding loan will be settled
  • Your contribution is only half of the insurance premium
  • NBK will bear the remaining half of your insurance premium
  • The insurance premium is fixed over loan life for loans booked after November 2018 only.
  • Insurance premium stops if you settle your loan early
  • It is subject to change on a yearly basis – as per the current premium rate you will be required to pay a total of KD 47.4 for a KD 10,000 loan over 5 years
  • Even if the premium rate increases NBK will ensure that your total payout never exceed 2% of your loan amount
  • Please note that disability of any kind is not covered under this insurance plan
  • Also note that loan insurance can be taken only at the time of applying for a loan – you will not be able to insure your loan later


  1. How do I apply?

    There is no need to apply separately or take a medical examination. Just kindly indicate your preference for insurance on your loan contract. For more details, please contact NBK Call Center at 1801801.