Missing a payment can happen to anyone, and can lead to late fees and disrupted services. You can avoid all this with your NBK Credit Cards, which make paying your regular monthly subscriptions and bills easy and convenient.
Simply register your card details with service providers like Zain, Ooredoo, OSN, Careem, Talabat, iTunes, Google Play, Netflix and others to enjoy uninterrupted services.
Who is it for?
All NBK Credit Cardholders can register their card with regular service providers.
What do I get?
Once you register your card details with your provider, you can enjoy uninterrupted services and avoid disruptions or late fees.
Automatic regular payment with your NBK Credit Card saves you time, money and worries.
How does it work?
Simply provide your NBK Credit Card details to register your card with a service provider such as OSN, Netflix, Zain, Viva, Ooredoo and many more, to avoid missing any regular payments.
How Do I Get It?
Please be aware, if you set up automatic regular or monthly payments, you must ensure you have sufficient available balance on your NBK Credit Card.